Attending a Humanist Funeral – What You Need to Know


Many of us have never heard of a humanist funeral, but you could be attending one in the future if a non-religious friend or work associate passes away. Similarly, if someone close to you has died and they weren’t religious, you might be thinking of ways to celebrate their life in a non-traditional way. Many funeral directors specialise and fully understand a humanist funeral in Brixham. They can look after the entire proceeding, helping you to plan everything along the way.

A humanist funeral can follow a range of different formats, but most involve all of the following.

  • Music plays at the beginning
  • The celebrant address attendees
  • A chosen member of the family or celebrant reads a tribute – similar to a eulogy
  • Friends & family give readings
  • The celebrant calls for a moment’s silence to reflect on the deceased life
  • The coffin is removed & the congregation mix with each other as they leave

A humanist funeral celebrates the life of someone who has died without making any reference to their religious views. Someone is chosen to lead the congregation – a celebrant – much the same as a vicar would run a Christian service.

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Where Can the Ceremony Be Held?

You could in theory hold a humanist funeral anywhere, but most are held at a crematorium, cemetery or natural burial site. Some people have humanist funerals in village halls, on their estate, in an outdoor space or at event halls. If you want to know more about locations, contact Humanists UK.

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