How could our pets live safely and happily with our new born babies?


Most pets have a higher degree of tolerance with babies, though it is important that you educate yourself about dangers that can occur to your baby. Precautions are out to be adopted with pets around newborn babies. Especially when they happen to be walking and crawling. If the baby is small you might be able to keep baby along with kids apart for some time. The pets need to be out of the room where they sleep in and do not allow them to share a bed with your baby.

In a gentle manner pets should be introduced to your new born baby. When you bring a baby for the first time at your home dogs will be jealous. Do give your dog some attention before bring in the baby so that they feel you take care of them. Dogs are curious so they could end up acting in a way that you did not expect them .Cats are not jealous but they have inclination towards cosiness of your babies cot. Place the cat in a push chair or a pram when they are down in the garden. Pets near the new born baby are better to be avoided and if you do not own a cat your neighbours will.

With babies around dogs would need constant supervision. Your dog could be the most peace loving animal in the world, but if someone pokes their eye or pulls their tail, they would react. If a baby teases your cat, their first reaction would be to escape from the place. Though it is a common occurrence where children are bitten by their own pets. Dog bites are minor but observe how kids and child play together.

Serious attacks of dogs on babies receive a lot of coverage, but such cases are on the rarer side. Installation of a safety gate would keep the dogs and pets wide apart for some portion of the day. On installation of stair gates baby is kept away from animal litters and food.

A garden should be fenced so that there is a demarcation of a safe playing area for the babies and their pets. If you allow the pet to play in the whole garden, you might have to use a popper scooper before you allow the child to play outside.

You could also need to check whether the baby goes through a cat flap, if you possess one. Curious babies rely on a cat flap to make their way on to a garden. Better to lock the premises when the baby is around. Double checking with your pet would ensure when you need to warm your pets. Never keep pet medications or worming tablets near to the baby where they can reach them.

For parents who are thinking of getting a pet into your premises do not choose a pet who has to live in a house all the time like a rabbit.

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